Pip-Boy inspired phone holder built around the PINE64 PinePhone
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specs_platform.scad 769 B

  1. use <specs_phone.scad>
  2. use <specs_strap.scad>
  3. function get_platform_size() = [
  4. get_phone_size().x - 30,
  5. get_phone_size().y - 5,
  6. get_platform_wall()*3
  7. ];
  8. function get_platform_top_size() = [
  9. get_platform_size().x - 2*get_platform_wall(),
  10. get_platform_size().y - 2*get_platform_wall(),
  11. get_platform_size().z - get_platform_wall()];
  12. function get_platform_top_pos() = [0, 0, (get_platform_size().z-get_platform_top_size().z)/2];
  13. function get_platform_wall() = 3;
  14. function get_platform_strap_connector_offset() = [
  15. (get_platform_size().x/2 - get_link_segment_size().y/2) - 3,
  16. get_platform_size().y/2 + 4,
  17. -get_link_segment_size().z/2 + 0.5
  18. ];
  19. function get_platform_screwhole_d() = 3.2;
  20. function get_platform_screwhole_h() = 10;