# Sway Stickynotes Add a stickynote to your Sway workspace. This makes it easy to remember what you were doing on each workspace. ## Usage - Execute `stickynote` via an application launcher (e.g. `dmenu` using Super+D) - Edit the current workspace's stickynote text - Enjoy the helpful stickynote! ![Screenshot](screenshot.png) ## Install ### Scripts Core script: ``` sudo cp sway_stickynotes /usr/local/bin/ ``` Dialog launcher, edit this one if you don't use `termite` as your terminal emulator: ``` sudo cp stickynote /usr/local/bin/ ``` ### Waybar configuration #### ~/.config/waybar/config ``` ... "modules-left": [ "sway/workspaces", "custom/stickynote" ], ... "custom/stickynote": { "exec": "sway_stickynotes get", "interval": 1 }, ``` #### ~/.config/waybar/style ``` #custom-stickynote { background: #1f1f1f; padding: 2px 10px; border: 1px solid #333; } ``` Done!