## Left out for brevity --- *Leaders Eat Last* by Simon Sinek Book cover --- #### Arousal addiction (not about sexual arousal) Addiction to new, stronger stimuli. e.g. by setting bigger and bigger goals. --- ## Discipline --- ### TOOL: Daily Heroism [Philip Zimbardo] -V- Take a small step out of your comfort zone. Daily. -V- #### Why? - grows your ability to **act**, step out of the crowd - supports fulfilling your vision and maintaining discipline It makes the elephant jump before it realizes
the hole is too deep for comfort. -V- ### My Heroism Game of smalltalk - chat up random people - do it before you rationalize a reason to back out --- ### Real world is complex and ever-changing. ### Mental model is our understanding of the world and its rules. -V- Mental models have varying levels of *objectivity*, i.e. how much they correspond to reality.