/** * Video Terminal * VT100 emulated by ESP32 + TV display + LK201 keyboard * * TinTTY main sketch * by Nick Matantsev 2017 * * Original reference: VT100 emulation code written by Martin K. Schroeder * and modified by Peter Scargill. */ #include #include #include "tintty.h" #define SerialTty Serial1 #define SerialKbd Serial2 #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Display.h" Display display; int16_t scrolled = 0; #define FONT_SCALE 2 uint16_t make_bw_color(uint16_t color) { return (color >> 8) | (color & 0xFF); } struct tintty_display ili9341_display = { display.vw,//ILI9341_WIDTH, display.vh,//(ILI9341_HEIGHT - KEYBOARD_HEIGHT), display.vw / display.font_w,//ILI9341_WIDTH / TINTTY_CHAR_WIDTH, display.vh / display.font_h,//(ILI9341_HEIGHT - KEYBOARD_HEIGHT) / TINTTY_CHAR_HEIGHT, [=](int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color){ //tft.fillRect(x, y, w, h, color); //display.fill_rect(x*FONT_SCALE + display.ow, (y*FONT_SCALE + display.oh, w*FONT_SCALE, h*FONT_SCALE, make_bw_color(color)); }, [=](int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t *pixels){ //tft.setAddrWindow(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1); //tft.pushColors(pixels, w * h, 1); for (int px = 0; px < w; px++) { for (int py = 0; py < h; py++) { int i = py*w + px; //display.pixel(x + display.ow + px, y + display.oh + py, pixels[i]); //display.fill_rect(x*FONT_SCALE + display.ow + px*FONT_SCALE, y*FONT_SCALE + display.oh + py*FONT_SCALE, FONT_SCALE, FONT_SCALE, make_bw_color(pixels[i])); } } }, [=](int16_t col, int16_t row, uint16_t fg_color, uint16_t bg_color, char character){ display.print_character(col, row - scrolled, make_bw_color(fg_color), make_bw_color(bg_color), character); }, [=](int16_t col, int16_t row, uint16_t color){ display.fill_rect(col*display.font_w + display.ow, (row+1 - scrolled)*display.font_h-1 + display.oh, display.font_w, 1, make_bw_color(color)); //display.print_character(col, row, make_bw_color(color), 0, '_'); }, [=](int16_t offset){ //tft.vertScroll(0, (ILI9341_HEIGHT - KEYBOARD_HEIGHT), offset); int16_t rows = display.vh / display.font_h; int16_t diff = (rows + offset - (scrolled % rows)) % rows; display.scroll(diff*display.font_h); scrolled += diff; } }; void tty_keyboard_process() { // read keyboard and send it to the host if (SerialKbd.available() > 0) { int key = SerialKbd.read(); keyboard_handle_key(key); } } // buffer to test various input sequences char *test_buffer = "-- \e[1mTinTTY\e[m --\r\n"; uint8_t test_buffer_cursor = 0; void input_init() {}; void input_idle() {}; void setup() { // Debug port Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Running!"); // TTY host SerialTty.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, 18, 19, false, 100); // LK201 keyboard connected to pins 16 and 17 SerialKbd.begin(4800); display.setup(); //uint16_t tftID = tft.readID(); //tft.begin(tftID); input_init(); tintty_run( [=](){ // peek idle loop while (true) { // first peek from the test buffer if (test_buffer[test_buffer_cursor]) { return test_buffer[test_buffer_cursor]; } tty_keyboard_process(); // fall back to normal blocking serial input if (SerialTty.available() > 0) { return (char)SerialTty.peek(); } // idle logic only after peeks failed tintty_idle(&ili9341_display); input_idle(); } }, [=](){ while(true) { // process at least one idle loop first to allow input to happen tintty_idle(&ili9341_display); input_idle(); tty_keyboard_process(); // first read from the test buffer if (test_buffer[test_buffer_cursor]) { return test_buffer[test_buffer_cursor++]; } // fall back to normal blocking serial input if (SerialTty.available() > 0) { return (char)SerialTty.read(); } } }, [=](char ch){ SerialTty.print(ch); }, &ili9341_display ); } void loop() { }