2021-03-14 00:08:55 +01:00

233 lines
11 KiB

/* SOURCE: */
/* SOURCE: */
/* */
/* requires LED number data */
#define LK_LED_ENABLE 0x13 /* light LED */
#define LK_LED_DISABLE 0x11 /* turn off LED */
#define LED_WAIT 0x81 /* Wait LED */
#define LED_COMP 0x82 /* Compose LED */
#define LED_LOCK 0x84 /* Lock LED */
#define LED_HOLD 0x88 /* Hold Screen LED */
#define LED_ALL 0x8F /* All LED's */
/* Requires volume data byte */
#define LK_CL_ENABLE 0x1B /* keyclick enable. Requires volume */
/* byte. This does not affect the */
/* SHIFT key. The CTRL key requires */
/* have been sent before it clicks. */
/* All other keys are only controlled */
/* by LK_CL_ENABLE. */
#define LK_CCL_ENABLE 0xBB /* Enable keyclicks for the CTRL key. */
/* The CTRL keyclick volume is set to */
/* be the same as the rest of the keys */
/* LK_CCL_ENABLE sets a flag in the */
/* keyboard with is logically AND'ed */
/* with the LK_CL_ENABLE flag to enable*/
/* CTRL key keyclicks. */
#define LK_CL_DISABLE 0x99 /* keyclick disable */
#define LK_CCL_DISABLE 0xB9 /* CTRL key keyclick disable */
#define LK_SOUND_CLICK 0x9F /* causes the LK201 to sound a keyclick*/
/* max volume is 0, lowest is 0x7 */
#define LK_PARAM_VOLUME(v) (0x80|((v)&0x7))
/* requires bell volume data */
#define LK_BELL_ENABLE 0x23 /* enable the keyboard bell. Requires */
/* volume data byte. */
#define LK_BELL_DISABLE 0xA1 /* disable the keyboard bell. */
#define LK_RING_BELL 0xA7 /* ring the keyboard bell */
/* max volume is 0, lowest is 0x7 */
#define LK_PARAM_VOLUME(v) (0x80|((v)&0x7))
#define LK_UPDOWN 0x86
#define LK_AUTODOWN 0x82
#define LK_DOWN 0x80
#define LK_CMD_MODE(m,div) ((m)|((div)<<3))
#define LK_MODECHG_ACK 0xBA /* sent by the keyboard to acknowledge a */
/* successful mode change. */
#define LK_PFX_KEYDOWN 0xB9 /* indicates that the next byte is a key- */
/* code for a key already down in a */
/* division that has been changed to */
/* LK_UPDOWN. I think this means that if */
/* for example, the 'a' key is in LK_DOWN */
/* mode and the key is being held down and*/
/* division 1 is switched to LK_UPDOWN */
/* mode, the keyboard will produce the */
/* byte LK_PFX_KEYDOWN followed by 0xC2 */
/* (KEY_A). */
#define LK_CMD_RPT_TO_DOWN 0xD9 /* This command causes all divisions which */
/* are programmed for LK_AUTODOWN mode to */
/* be switched to LK_DOWN mode. */
#define LK_CMD_ENB_RPT 0xE3 /* enables auto repeat on the keys */
/* which are in LK_AUTODOWN mode */
#define LK_CMD_DIS_RPT 0xE1 /* disables auto repeat on all keys, but */
/* does not change the mode that the */
/* divisions are programmed to. */
#define LK_CMD_TMP_NORPT 0xD1 /* temporary auto repeat disable. This */
/* command disables auto repeat for the key*/
/* which is currently pressed down. Auto */
/* repeat is re-enabled when another key is*/
/* pressed. */
#define LK_OUTPUT_ERROR 0xb5
#define LK_INPUT_ERROR 0xB6 /* sent by the keyboard if it receives an */
/* invalid command. */
#define LK_NO_ERROR 0x00 /* No Error */
#define LK_KDOWN_ERROR 0x3D /* Key down on powerup error */
#define LK_POWER_ERROR 0x3E /* Keyboard failure on pwrup tst */
#define LK_ALLUP 0xB3
#define LK_ALL_KEYS_UP 0xb3
#define LK_METRONOME 0xb4
bool mod_shift = false;
bool mod_ctrl = false;
#define KB_CHAR_SHIFT(key_base, key_shift) ((mod_shift) ? (key_shift) : (key_base))
#define KB_CHAR_CTRL(key_base, key_ctrl) ((mod_ctrl) ? (key_ctrl) : (key_base))
#define KB_CHAR(key_base, key_shift) c = KB_CHAR_SHIFT(key_base, key_shift);
#define KB_CHARC(key_base, key_shift, key_ctrl) c = KB_CHAR_CTRL(KB_CHAR_SHIFT(key_base, key_shift), key_ctrl);
void keyboard_handle_key(int key)
int c = -1;
switch (key) {
/* Key Division 191-255 */
case 191: KB_CHAR('`', '~'); break; // (xbf): KEY_TILDE
case 192: KB_CHAR('1', '!'); break; // (xc0): KEY_TR_1
case 193: KB_CHAR('q', 'Q'); break; // (xc1): KEY_Q
case 194: KB_CHARC('a', 'A', '\x01'); break; // (xc2): KEY_A
case 195: KB_CHAR('z', 'Z'); break; // (xc3): KEY_Z
case 197: KB_CHAR('2', '@'); break; // (xc5): KEY_TR_2
case 198: KB_CHAR('w', 'W'); break; // (xc6): KEY_W
case 199: KB_CHAR('s', 'S'); break; // (xc7): KEY_S
case 200: KB_CHAR('x', 'X'); break; // (xc8): KEY_X
case 201: KB_CHAR('<', '>'); break; // (xc9): KEY_LANGLE_RANGLE
case 203: KB_CHAR('3', '#'); break; // (xcb): KEY_TR_3
case 204: KB_CHARC('e', 'E', '\x05'); break; // (xcc): KEY_E
case 205: KB_CHARC('d', 'D', '\x04'); break; // (xcd): KEY_D
case 206: KB_CHARC('c', 'C', '\x03'); break; // (xce): KEY_C
case 208: KB_CHAR('4', '$'); break; // (xd0): KEY_TR_4
case 209: KB_CHAR('r', 'R'); break; // (xd1): KEY_R
case 210: KB_CHARC('f', 'F', '\x06'); break; // (xd2): KEY_F
case 211: KB_CHAR('v', 'V'); break; // (xd3): KEY_V
case 212: KB_CHAR(' ', ' '); break; // (xd4): KEY_SPACE
case 214: KB_CHAR('5', '%'); break; // (xd6): KEY_TR_5
case 215: KB_CHAR('t', 'T'); break; // (xd7): KEY_T
case 216: KB_CHARC('g', 'G', '\x07'); break; // (xd8): KEY_G
case 217: KB_CHARC('b', 'B', '\x02'); break; // (xd9): KEY_B
case 219: KB_CHAR('6', '^'); break; // (xdb): KEY_TR_6
case 220: KB_CHAR('y', 'Y'); break; // (xdc): KEY_Y
case 221: KB_CHARC('h', 'H', '\x08'); break; // (xdd): KEY_H
case 222: KB_CHAR('n', 'N'); break; // (xde): KEY_N
case 224: KB_CHAR('7', '&'); break; // (xe0): KEY_TR_7
case 225: KB_CHAR('u', 'U'); break; // (xe1): KEY_U
case 226: KB_CHARC('j', 'J', '\x0A'); break; // (xe2): KEY_J
case 227: KB_CHAR('m', 'M'); break; // (xe3): KEY_M
case 229: KB_CHAR('8', '*'); break; // (xe5): KEY_TR_8
case 230: KB_CHARC('i', 'I', '\x09'); break; // (xe6): KEY_I
case 231: KB_CHARC('k', 'K', '\x0B'); break; // (xe7): KEY_K
case 232: KB_CHAR(',', '<'); break; // (xe8): KEY_COMMA
case 234: KB_CHAR('9', '('); break; // (xea): KEY_TR_9
case 235: KB_CHAR('o', 'O'); break; // (xeb): KEY_O
case 236: KB_CHARC('l', 'L', '\x0C'); break; // (xec): KEY_L
case 237: KB_CHAR('.', '>'); break; // (xed): KEY_PERIOD
case 239: KB_CHAR('0', ')'); break; // (xef): KEY_TR_0
case 240: KB_CHAR('p', 'P'); break; // (xf0): KEY_P
case 242: KB_CHAR(';', ':'); break; // (xf2): KEY_SEMICOLON
case 243: KB_CHAR('/', '?'); break; // (xf3): KEY_QMARK
case 245: KB_CHAR('=', '+'); break; // (xf5): KEY_PLUS
case 246: KB_CHAR(']', '}'); break; // (xf6): KEY_RBRACE
case 247: KB_CHAR('\\', '|'); break; // (xf7): KEY_VBAR
case 249: KB_CHAR('-', '_'); break; // (xf9): KEY_UBAR
case 250: KB_CHAR('[', '{'); break; // (xfa): KEY_LBRACE
case 251: KB_CHAR('\'', '"'); break; // (xfb): KEY_QUOTE
/* Key Division 2: 145 - 165 */
/*146 (x92): KEY_KP_0
148 (x94): KEY_KP_PERIOD
149 (x95): KEY_KP_ENTER
150 (x96): KEY_KP_1
151 (x97): KEY_KP_2
152 (x98): KEY_KP_3
153 (x99): KEY_KP_4
154 (x9a): KEY_KP_5
155 (x9b): KEY_KP_6
156 (x9c): KEY_KP_COMMA
157 (x9d): KEY_KP_7
158 (x9e): KEY_KP_8
159 (x9f): KEY_KP_9
160 (xa0): KEY_KP_HYPHEN
161 (xa1): KEY_KP_PF1
162 (xa2): KEY_KP_PF2
163 (xa3): KEY_KP_PF3
164 (xa4): KEY_KP_PF4*/
/* Key Division 3: 188 - 188 */
case 188: c = 0177; Serial.print("<DELETE>"); break; // (xbc): KEY_DELETE
/* Key Division 4: 189 - 190 */
case 189: c = '\n'; break; // (xbd): KEY_RETURN
case 190: c = '\t'; break; // (xbe): KEY_TAB
/* Key Division 5: (176 - 178) */
/*176 (xb0): KEY_LOCK
177 (xb1): KEY_META*/
/* Key Division 6: (173 - 175) */
case 174: mod_shift = !mod_shift; Serial.print("<SHIFT "); Serial.print(mod_shift); Serial.print(">"); break; // (xae): KEY_SHIFT
case 175: mod_ctrl = !mod_ctrl; Serial.print("<CTRL "); Serial.print(mod_ctrl); Serial.print(">"); break; // (xaf): KEY_CTRL*/
/* Key Division 7: (166 - 168) */
case 167: SerialTty.print("\033[D"); Serial.print("LEFT "); break; // (xa7): KEY_LEFT
case 168: SerialTty.print("\033[C"); Serial.print("RIGHT "); break; // (xa8): KEY_RIGHT
/* Key Division 8: (169 - 172) */
case 169: SerialTty.print("\033[B"); Serial.print("DOWN "); break; // (xa9): KEY_DOWN
case 170: SerialTty.print("\033[A"); Serial.print("UP "); break; // (xaa): KEY_UP
case 171: break; // (xab): KEY_R_SHIFT
case 100: Serial.print("<BELL ON> "); SerialKbd.print((char)LK_BELL_ENABLE); SerialKbd.print((char)LK_PARAM_VOLUME(0x7)); break;
case 101: Serial.print("<BELL OFF> "); SerialKbd.print((char)LK_BELL_DISABLE); break;
case 102: break; // F8
case 103: Serial.print("<LED ON WAIT> "); SerialKbd.print((char)LK_LED_ENABLE); SerialKbd.print((char)LED_WAIT); break;
case 104: Serial.print("<LED OFF WAIT> "); SerialKbd.print((char)LK_LED_DISABLE); SerialKbd.print((char)LED_WAIT); break;
case 86: SerialTty.print("\x1B"); Serial.print("<ESC> "); break;
case LK_INPUT_ERROR: Serial.print("<I-ERROR> "); break;
case LK_ALLUP:
mod_shift = false;
mod_ctrl = false;
Serial.print(key); Serial.print(' ');
if (c != -1) {
Serial.print((char) c);
SerialTty.print((char) c);