Bläddra i källkod

Expand Motivation, Objectivity and Outcomes

Dejvino 8 månader sedan
3 ändrade filer med 28 tillägg och 9 borttagningar
  1. +12
  2. +15
  3. +1

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- 4
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## Motivation <!-- .element: class="text-over-image" -->
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Why do we do the things we do?
@@ -77,13 +77,21 @@ Your actions may have positive impact on others, <!-- .element: class="fragment"

adding strong foundations for a lasting motivation. <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->


#### Going beyond an individual

- helping others
- being part of something greater
- leaving a lasting legacy


### Group vision

Cooperation of individual visions <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->

helps the growth of our own potential <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
helps the growth of one's potential <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->

and boosts the entire group. <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->

@@ -287,7 +295,7 @@ and you won't procrastinate before finding it!<!-- .element: class="fragment" --
- sharing code publicly

#### Step 5:
### Final Personal Vision

A few paragraphs of what you want to be doing,

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@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ that they don't know.


### How?
### How to improve objectivity?

- study, learn, train, experiment!
- check your facts, use reliable sources
@@ -60,8 +60,19 @@ that they don't know.
- seek external feedback
- search for both proof and disproof of facts

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### My Progress
### My reality check

- research quick and slow
- quick internet checks of current facts and opinions, both for and against
- slow reading of books
- exchanging feedback with colleagues

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##### New hobby:
#### Monthly interview
- assess your skills and relevancy
- learn what others are doing
- confirm your company is the best

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@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ We need **emotional stability** to keep us going.


### Hamster Procrastination Cycle
#### Hamster Procrastination Cycle

1. Do nothing
2. Have regrets
