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## Motivation
### External
- carrot and stick
- hard to self-motivate without it
- often seem meaningless
- increases procrastination
### Internal
- more rewarding
- engages creativity and learning
- brings good mood
### Goal-based motivation
- good: it works!
- bad: damaging; not sustainable
- long struggle followed by a short rush of joy that comes crashing down
### Hedonic treadmill <a class="reference" href="">🔗</a>
> Humans quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events.
Bigger and bigger goals
--> *arousal addiction*
### Journey-based motivation
- enjoy the ride!
- happiness now
- unlocks *flow*
- flow brings contentment and mastery, which in turn brings results
### Meaning
- when your actions have positive impact on others
### Group vision
- cooperation of individual visions
- boosting the growth of our own potential
> The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
### TOOL: Personal Vision
#### How to get one?
1. SWOT analysis
2. Achievements
3. Motivating activities
4. Beta-Vision
5. Final Personal Vision
### SWOT
- S - Strengths
- W - Weaknesses
- O - Opportunities
- T - Threats
Time to reflect on yourself.
#### Strengths + Opportunities
- use as much as possible
- supports flow
#### Weaknesses
- avoid if possible
- can be improved, but don't devote too much time on it
- retards flow
#### Threats
- take into account, be prepared
- face a potential fear
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### My SWOT
### Personal Achievements
- pride, joy
- evidence of strengths
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### My Achievements
### Motivating Activities
Personal vision should consist of these.
- bringing growth
- creating legacy
- building relationships
- carry meaning
Activity should ideally fit into multiple categories!
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### My Activities
### Beta-Vision
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### My Beta-Vision
### Final Personal Vision
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### My Final Vision