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When procrastinating...

  • you avoid urgent tasks.
  • you spend time on useless things.
  • you don't rest, nor regain energy.

And then...

  • you fall behind and get stressed.
  • you regret losing your precious time.
  • you feel miserable and tired.

...but why?

😐 "I don't feel like it."

"I'm too tired now." 😪

😕 "I don't know how to do it."

"I'm too busy now." 🧐

😇 "I'll do it, but first []."

No, really. Why?

Expanding potential

Never before did we have so much...

  • life expectancy, safety, stability
  • freedom, opportunity
  • accessible information, knowledge

...and so many options to choose from!

Decision Paralysis

We can easily become overwhelmed by options.

  • What if I pick the wrong option?
  • Should I go back and try the other one?
  • Will this be the best use of my resources?
  • Shouldn't I spend more time researching this?

Deciding on anything hurts,

so we leave it for later.

But as the saying goes...

The best is the mortal enemy of the good


But as the saying goes...

Premature optimization is the root of all evil

Donald Knuth

Try out everything!

Breadth First Search
Random Maze


Wandering aimlessly

Depth First Search
Random Maze


Having a vision

Greedy Algorithm
Random Maze

Ok, now what?

Science to the rescue

Personal Intermezzo!

I 💘

Code + Computers

+ Coffee

+ Perfection

I enjoy meeting people*

once a week.

Career Review

Role duration
Software Developer for 4 years
Sr. Software Developer for 4 years
Dev Manager for 5 years
Sr. Dev Manager for 1+ year

Last year I realized

  • I'm unhappy
  • I procrastinate
  • I can't keep up at work
  • I'm scared of the next workday

Science to the rescue

Library to the rescue

My Stack of Books

The End of Procrastination

by Petr Ludwig


Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

by Angela Duckworth


Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being

by Martin Seligman


Focus: A Simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction

by Leo Babauta


Leaders Eat Last

by Simon Sinek