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Why do we do the things we do?

External motivation

Carrot and stick; someone else sets our path.

  • numbs our self-motivation
  • feels meaningless
  • makes it easier to procrastinate

Internal motivation

We follow our own target.

  • progress feels more rewarding
  • brings good mood
  • engages creativity and learning

Goal-based motivation

We want to achieve something in the future.

  • Pros: it works!
  • Cons: it causes us damage; not sustainable
  • long struggle, followed by a short rush of joy that quickly evaporates
  • requires more and more demanding goals

Hedonic treadmill 🔗

Humans quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events.

The reward for finishing a major goal is not worth a long struggle to get there.

Arousal addiction

(not about sexual arousal)

Addiction to new, stronger stimuli

created by setting bigger and bigger goals.

Journey-based motivation

Enjoy the ride, the destination is secondary.

  • happiness now, not just at the end
  • unlocks flow
  • flow brings contentment and mastery
  • ...which in turn brings results


Your actions may have positive impact on others,

adding strong foundations for a lasting motivation.

Group vision

Cooperation of individual visions

helps the growth of our own potential

and boosts the entire group.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

TOOL: Personal Vision

How to get one?

  1. SWOT analysis
  2. Achievements
  3. Motivating activities
  4. Beta-Vision
  5. Final Personal Vision


  • S - Strengths
  • W - Weaknesses
  • O - Opportunities
  • T - Threats


Time to reflect on yourself.


Strengths + Opportunities

  • use as much as possible
  • supports flow



  • avoid if possible
  • can be improved, but don't devote too much time on it
  • retards flow



  • take into account, be prepared
  • face a potential fear



Personal Achievements

  • pride, joy
  • evidence of strengths

My Achievements


Motivating Activities

Personal vision should consist of these.


  • bringing growth
  • creating legacy
  • building relationships
  • carry meaning

Activity should ideally fit into multiple categories!

My Activities



Finding a personal vision takes effort.

Finding a beta version is easier

...and you won't procrastinate finding it!

Answer these...

  1. Favorite quote, idea that resonates?
  2. Life values?
  3. Fulfilling activities?
  4. Meaningful activities?

My Beta-Vision


Final Personal Vision

My Final Vision


Act Now!

How can you incorporate your vision in your daily life?

Starting small is fine, as long as you start!

My Start
