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  1. // Material genrated by blender2ogre 0.5.8
  2. material Material
  3. {
  4. receive_shadows on
  5. technique
  6. {
  7. pass Material
  8. {
  9. ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 1.0
  10. diffuse 0.6400000190734865 0.6400000190734865 0.6400000190734865 1.0
  11. specular 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 12.5
  12. emissive 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
  13. alpha_to_coverage off
  14. colour_write on
  15. cull_hardware clockwise
  16. depth_check on
  17. depth_func less_equal
  18. depth_write on
  19. illumination_stage
  20. light_clip_planes off
  21. light_scissor off
  22. lighting on
  23. normalise_normals off
  24. polygon_mode solid
  25. scene_blend one zero
  26. scene_blend_op add
  27. shading gouraud
  28. transparent_sorting on
  29. texture_unit
  30. {
  31. texture person.png
  32. tex_address_mode wrap
  33. scale 1.0 1.0
  34. colour_op modulate
  35. }
  36. }
  37. }
  38. }