
972 B


Aligning our assumptions with reality.

Real world

is complex and ever-changing.

Mental model

is our understanding of the world and its rules.

Mental models have varying levels of objectivity,

i.e. how much they correspond to reality.

Dunning-Kruger effect

a cognitive bias

in which people with low competence

overestimate their abilities.

Those who don't know

don't know

that they don't know.

(also not a haiku)

Why focus on objectivity?

  • it helps our personal growth
  • to avoid being overly-confident
  • to make better decisions
  • to avoid harmful decisions (even if well-meant)


  • study, learn, train, experiment!
  • check your facts, use reliable sources
  • question your intuition
  • seek external feedback
  • search for both proof and disproof of facts

My Assessment