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When your rationality wants one thing

but your emotions do something else.

Elephant Rider

  • metaphor describing our internal interactions
  • elephant = emotional side
  • rider = rational side


The rider is tiny but intelligent,
holding the reigns and choosing the right path.

The elephant is huge but simple,
with a mind of its own.


Most of the time, the elephant let's the rider lead the way.

But at 6 tons it won't be bossed around!


If the rider is indecisive or tired,
the elephant will do as it likes.

If the elephant gets scared,
it will not obey the rider.

Ego depletion

  • capacity, depleting, replenishing, growing

Emotional aversion

  • lowering the barrier

TOOL: Habit tracker

Define positive habits

track them daily.

Habit Workout Alcohol Coding
Target > 10 min < 0,5 l > 30 min
1. 🟢 20 🟢 0 🔴 15
2. 🔴 5 🔴 1 🔴 10
3. 🔴 0 🟢 0,2 🔴 25
4. 🟢 13 🟢 0,2 🟢 35
5. 🟢 12 🟢 0 🟢 45

My Habits


TOOL: ToDo Today


  • list of prioritized, time-boxed tasks
  • prepared the previous day


  • avoids decision paralysis
  • trimmed down daily list is manageable
  • big tasks split into small ones
  • the elephant doesn't get scared

Important task first
  • something you want or need to complete
  • consistent daily progress

TOOL: Daily Heroism

[Philip Zimbardo]

Take a small step out of your comfort zone.



  • grows your ability to act and step out of the crowd
  • aids in fulfilling your vision and maintaining discipline

My Heroisms

  • smalltalk
  • do it before you rationalize